Haiku Poems

This term we have been looking at different types of poetry. This morning the class learnt about Japanese Haiku poems. They worked beautifully all morning, individually and in pairs to create poems about nature. They had to write three verses, 5 syllables first verse, 7 then another 5. There are many more that i can’t  post yet, they are not quite all finished as they took so much time and care. There are more displayed in the classroom.

Concert Costumes

For the upcoming concert we would like the children to wear.

  • plain t shirt- black or white
  • black pants or leggings
  • a jacket (suit, bomber or denim)

Please come and see us if you have any questions.


We have been very busy this term learning how to recognise and interpret common uses of halves, quarters and eighths of shapes and collections. In Chance they are learning how to identify practical activities and everyday events that involve chance and describe events as likely, unlikely, certain or impossible. Today we played lots of games to help us develop our understanding of these concepts. 

Excursion to the Botanic Gardens


we travelled by bus the Adelaide Botanic Gardens as part of our History learning. We saw many amazing sights, sounds and smells. The weather was perfect for exploring the gardens. Our guide, Trent Hill was amazing! His knowledge about the many trees and grasses was very interesting and even inspired our children to get out and do some exploring in their own back yards.

I hope you enjoy the photos.

Kind regards

Mrs Simmons



Readers due back and Library Books

Classroom readers and all library books are due back by the end of week 6 please.

All students will continue to have access to Oxford Owl, Study ladder (it has some great reading comprehension activities available) and Literacy Pro till the end of the term.

If anyone is free in week 7 to help us sort out the readers that would be just lovely and much appreciated.


Thank you


History Posters

Dear Parents & Caregivers

There have been some questions regarding when the History Posters are due.

Ideally we would like them completed by the end of this week, however we are willing to extend the due date to Wednesday 21st November (Week 6) for those who require additional time for completion. If children are finished this week, we hope to start presentations on Friday.

Kind regards

Mrs Simmons